Where Swiss entrepreneurs grow through life-enhancing connections.

EO Zürich gives successful entrepreneurs access to a connected global community, life-changing learning and experiences, and genuine conversations with peers who are as committed to personal and business growth as you are.

EO Network

As the world's only peer-to-peer network exclusively for entrepreneurs, EO helps change the lives of those who are changing the world.

EO Zürich Blog: Sucess Stories

The EO Blog is a vibrant platform that showcases the diverse experiences and achievements of members within the Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO). It highlights various aspects of entrepreneurship, such as business growth, company culture, innovation, and leadership. 

The blog also delves into personal entrepreneurial journeys, offering insights into the challenges and triumphs faced by its members.

Spielen Sie, um nicht zu verlieren… oder um den Sieg?

Are you playing not to lose... or to win?

Vor ein paar Tagen unterhielt ich mich mit Stefan, Führungskraft in einer Marketingagentur darüber, welche KPIs in den Level-10-Meetings des Management-Teams gemessen werden sollten. Im Laufe des Gesprächs stellte sich heraus, dass sein Team nicht spielte, um zu...

Diversity im Business bedeutet, sich auf Augenhöhe zu begegnen

Diversity in business means meeting each other at eye level

Die Gesellschaft und das menschliche Miteinander unterliegt seit jeher einem steten Wandel. Das war schon immer so und wird auch immer so bleiben. Neu ist jeweils nur, welche Weltanschauungen genau sich im Veränderungsprozess befinden. Und diese verlangen uns allen...

What EO Zurich Members say:

"Every vision, every company is only as good as the people who drive, inhabit, and energize it. EO starts with the development of us entrepreneurs as people, thus unfolding the greatest possible impact for... well... everything. With EO, life just gets better!"

Eva Richterich

"And suddenly I was not alone anymore. I found fellow entrepreneurs in an international, diverse, and trustworthy organization. The monthly Forum with peers and its experience exchange gives me strong local ties and contributes to my personal growth."


Aileen Zumstein

"EO offers me the unique opportunity to network and exchange with other entrepreneurs in Switzerland and on a global level. In my Forum, I can exchange ideas on private and professional topics in a confidential setting and have a great time with other members at EO events."


Dave Hengartner
Co-Founder & CEO bei rready

"EO played a pivotal role in shaping me into the entrepreneur and person I am today. Thanks to my EO colleagues and friends, I’m a more efficient, understanding, and compassionate person."


Carlo Badini
Founder Cleverclip 

"EO connects like-minded people: Entrepreneurs who take great risks to create new and wonderful things. All may have experienced the rollercoaster of ups and downs in everyday entrepreneurial life - so it is all the more important to be able to exchange experiences in a confidential setting and learn from each other."

Andy Schwarzenbach
BlackRiver / Founder Hitzberger & Startup-Exit.ch
