Diversity in business means meeting each other at eye level

July 25, 2023

Society and human interaction have always been subject to constant change. This has always been the case and will continue to be so. What is new each time is which worldviews are exactly in the process of change. And these demand from us all a constant adaptability. Currently, this also applies strongly to the business world on the topic of "Diversity". "Diversity is essential to create a vibrant work environment, especially when it comes to employee engagement. Diversity in the workplace promotes creativity and innovation, as each team member, from management to commercial employees, brings different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences," says Christoph Grossmann, CEO of the successful Beekeeper AG based in Zurich.

Diversity in minds: yes. Equal opportunities: no.

A statement that hits the nail on the head. Diversity is essential – and yet many still struggle with it. Until recently, companies had official women's representatives, but today, "Diversity Managers (f/m/d)" are specifically responsible for the diverse, professional interaction at eye level. It is now about more than just women's quotas. And despite the gained societal openness regarding gender, origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, and religion of people, traditional thought structures often still shape the general habitus in the job. There are unjust disadvantages that no longer fit in the 21st century. To turn this opposition into a better together, a new consciousness and self-concept are needed – says Stella-Sandra Triebl, founder and managing director of Ladies Drive, the most important business network for women in Switzerland. "It's about meeting each other at eye level. A gender battle 2.0 does not move us forward, even if we must acknowledge that women often have to overcome systemic and historically conditioned obstacles in their careers. At the same time, diversity is also about equal opportunities and equality, but certainly not about conformity." Why is the focus not shifted much more to individual performances and successes? Why do companies still talk about the so-called "quota women"? The answer could be: The topic of diversity has arrived in the minds and there is sensitivity for it – but when push comes to shove, the vast majority still act according to familiar patterns of behavior.

Take, for example, the new Generation Z. Diversity has long been part of their reality and everyday life. Yet, the young people face exactly the same challenges as the generations before them when it comes to family planning. Well-known decisions have to be made: who stays at home and who continues to work? And despite their open, diverse, own worldview, most of Generation Z still fall back into traditional roles – even if it happens for such banal, pragmatic reasons because the man still earns more money than the woman.

Despite some success stories, there is a great need for catch-up

Even at the Entrepreneurs' Organization, the topic of diversity has undergone a development process over the last few years. For example, initially, social diversity was hardly reflected among the first members, but now the gender distribution looks much better. Around 20 women are now members in Zurich – and little by little there are more.

At the meetings of Ladies Drive, women exchange ideas on-site, develop new ideas, and seize valuable opportunities in the business world. And Sandra-Stella Triebl has her own female success story with this "Business Sisterhood," as she calls it. She is the best example that changes and social change are possible. Because what she started 17 years ago, initially in the form of a magazine, a blog, and an event series called Bargespräche, has now become an international network that extends far beyond the Swiss borders. It remains to be hoped that many more leaders will follow the model of actually lived equal opportunities and that diversity will have a firm place both in society and in daily business.

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